New York Day 1
This is my first travel to the US ever, and i was just the best time of my traveling life.The trip was a school trip, but but but i my spare time when i got some time to walk around, i did.I cant show you guys all of new york in 1 blog news, so this i the first of 5 parts + a Timelaps ind the end.
Hope to go again some time to see more of the US, and to bike the city. (i did not get my bike whit me)
Wating time in the airport of CPH
The tip of Greenland
New York in sight after 9 houres travel time
Morning 5 am - just a bit jacklag
Cool old American car
Not a great pic but love the slogan "Meat Whithout Feet"
One of the many but small bike lanes in New York
Centrail Station
And the first morning i the USA Timelaps. Look forward to Next part of pictures in the next 5 days.